
Did (the rear window of) your Volvo station wagon go to Harvard, Princeton AND Yale?  If so, it’s time to add to your collection of collegiate memorabilia and, let’s admit it, take the good-natured ego-boosterism up a notch!

Tara Gallagher loves all things collegiate: the smarts, the ivy-covered buildings, the naughty cleverness of our most promising youth.

Tara creates school pillows that are one-of-a-kind conversation pieces, as fun to decipher as New York Times crossword puzzles.  These sought-after gifts have been known to make grown men weep, women groan, “Where’s Miiiiichigaaaaan?”, and make students and alum use their Phi Beta Kappa keys to scratch their heads. No Cliff Notes provided. You’re so smart, you figure it out!